Hopefully 2016 Will Be a Good Year

New Year’s Eve, and everyone is doing their New Year’s Resolution.  Of course, when I think about it, it’s usually about cycling … Well, I was going to do another Triple Crown for 2015, but that really turned bad.

In March, I had my bad crash … and on my precious Volagi.  I still don’t know what happened, and there were no witnesses.  Ironically, I had my Go Pro with me, but it wasn’t turned on.  Lot of good that did.  I think I hit the brakes so hard that I sheared the fork.


In the end, it was determined the frame was totaled … so I got a replacement frame, a Volagi Liscio 2, and while I was at it, might as well upgrade the disc brakes too, to hydraulic.  That was nice, going from mechanical to hydraulic … what a difference!


Getting back into shape was tough … I spent about 2 months off, due to cracked ribs, so those grandiose plans of a triple crown were nix’d right away. My plan was to do Solvang, then DMD (to complete it this time) … Plans scrapped.

My plans were re-focused to commuting as much as I can via bike. I was able to get myself in shape to at least to Bike to Work day, and that was awesome. I actually volunteered with SVBC to get all the material and goodies together, and that was a lot of fun.

I then got back into Photography, and bought an Olympic micro 4/3 camera, and loved it. I’m by no means a very artful photographer, but it’s nice to go back and fiddle with the equipment again, and this time taking advantage of the digital advances. I found out, right away, that I have a love for the scenes that nature provides us, especially sunrise and sunsets.

Throughout the year I continued on with my bike commutes, and carrying my camera with me … yes, it’s bulky, but more compact than other digital SLR cameras out there.

The year didn’t go without a couple of extra falls .. I took a spill in the parking lot of my complex, going probably 5 mph … then, another as I was negotiating a hairpin on the bike path.  Needless to say, it was not a healthy year for me, to the point where I just want to stay upright.

Still, I was able to get respectable mileage for the year …. For the year, I got 6,205 miles.  [Revised] I got 251,528 feet of climbing for the year (according to the Strava Android app … why can’t the desktop site have that?)  That’s not bad, considering I had a bunch of time off the bike, and still sustained > 6000 miles for the year.  Commute miles do add up.


So what am I looking forward to in 2016?  Well, a lot of it depends on if I buckle to the pressure, and sign up for the Death Ride, in July.  I’d like to pursue more into digital photography, but a lot of that will depend on what I do cycling-wise.

Happy New Years everyone!  Oh, and keep the rubber side down … and I mean it!

6 thoughts on “Hopefully 2016 Will Be a Good Year

  1. Happy New Year’s to you as well! I wish you the best in your cycling and photography endeavors- I hope 2016 is a crash and injury free year for you, I think you have earned it!

  2. Impressive mileage — I don’t bike-commute and have only raced once this year; am about to go pedal my last 37 miles to bring me to 4800 for the year. I like your pictures, too. Instagram is a fun place to share them. (c: Happy New Year & keep the shiny side up!

  3. I sorry to read about your crash, especially as it involved your Volagi. I’ve been eyeing them for a few months now. With everything going on I can’t wrap my head around buying a second bike this year, just picked up my

  4. Well that comment didn’t post in its entirety. I’ll have to retype it on a pc tomorrow. Suffice it to say, happy you’re ok and sorry to hear about your Volagi.

  5. Ok so let’s try this again. Sorry to hear about your crash, your subsequent injury and your totaled Volagi. Glad to hear that you seemed to rehab well. I have been looking at Volagi for the past 6 months or so but couldn’t find a used one in my price range that I could cyclocross on. I picked up a sweet Stevens Vapor for that just a few weeks ago. Love the shots you take with your camera, really inspiring stuff. Almost makes me want to Amtrak down to SF and hit some of those views myself. Not that we don’t have great views as well up here in the Auburn area, I just need to start snapping some shots. Super impressive Strava stats. People like you inspire me to ride more, maybe I will even do a century this year.

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