Time to Re-Evaluate My Goals For the Year

I first had a goal of completely DMD this year.  The year started out well, was on track, completing Solvang Double first, and was all prepared for DMD.  My thought was maybe if I finish that, I could do another Triple Crown.

I didn’t finish DMD this year … Bailed  on Sierra.  Oh well, maybe I could still do triple crown by doing Davis and Grand Tour.

However, I had a couple of personal setbacks after DMD.  First, my whole lost Drivers License and Debit Card ordeal.  That made me not in the mood for training.  Do I lost two weeks of fitness there, and was not ready for Davis at all.  In fact, I would be lucky if I completed 60 miles.  So I bailed on Davis.

Then, Memorial Day Weekend came around, and an opportunity to build up my climbing core.  On Memorial Day, I had just finished Page Mill to Woodside loop, and was ready for the ride home.  Then, without warning, I slammed right into the rear of a tandem.

Ouch, that hurt.  Luckily the couple on the tandem seemed OK.  I felt really awful about that.  There didn’t seem to be that much damage on my bike
(shredded tire, out of true wheel), but I still need to take it into the shop.  But I did suffer some bruised on my ribs, and that hurt.

The first few days after the accident, I’ve been having some challenges moving around.  Coughing and laughing made my sides hurt, and getting in and out of bed were a challenge.  Ok, this is a definite sign … This will force me to take some time off the bike.

Now the hard … Time off the bike.  I guess I have to now think of things normal people do when not on the bike.  That’s hard.  But I guess I can catch up on movies, catch up writing blogs, clean the house, and reevaluate my goals for the year.  I think I won’t be able to do this until I am completely healed.  This will most likely mean missing Santa Cruz Mountain Challenge, and that really pisses me off.  Oh well, what can I do.  Guess I’ll have to live life like a normal person … Nooooooo!

I envy everyone that is able to ride their bike this weekend.  Just be attentive, and be safe, ride defensive.  Beware if traffic around you, especially if you are looking down at your Garmin.  I’m not sure, but I think that’s what happened to me.  I feel really stupid after this.  😦

4 thoughts on “Time to Re-Evaluate My Goals For the Year

  1. Hey Ron. Saw your cryptic message to Ramon on FB so needed to investigate. Sorry to hear about all the shit you’ve had dumped on you. Sounds like you have a cracked rib BTW. That’s a tough one and takes time to heal. I’ve had another bout of “shit in my life” too, so haven’t been keeping in touch. Aiming for smoother waters and I also need to get back in shape with basically a month of not doing anything but sulking : (. When your back on the path let’s ride. Take care dude.

  2. To my wonderful friend, cycling buddy & SAG supporter….
    U pick up ur chin, wipe off ur frown & SKY Rocket to the next step in life. Build that chapter, get around that corner & train for the next cycling event, I want to see ur smile & see it soon…….

    • Hi Tiger,
      Thank you for your wonderful sentiment. Don’t worry, before you know it, you’ll see my fabulous smile. I just need to take some time to recover, and re-acquaint myself with the best sport in the world. I miss you guys!

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